Review: Pashto to English Dictionary This is a dictionary of Pashto to english and it is best for learning both pashto and english. Pashto language has its own history, it is best for students as well as general readers for expanding their english vocabulary. It is produced by the languages and art institute and is very best for offline usage. English pashto pashto english dictionary a modern dictionary of the pakhto pushto pukhto pasht can be one of the options to accompany you considering having extra time. It will not waste your time. Recognize me, the e-book will enormously ventilate you new concern to read. Just invest tiny become old to gate this on-line message english pashto.
English - Pashto dictionary online at Glosbe, free. Browse 9,394 phrases and 1,508 ready translation memories. For all the Pashto speakers who want to learn English and for all the English speakers who want to learn Pashto, the English to Pashto dictionary app is the best solution of learning more about either of the languages. The English to Pashto dictionary feature allows you to search for Pashto meanings of the English words, whereas, the Pashto to English dictionary feature of the app allows you.
Book Name | Pashto to English Dictionary |
Author | Muhammad Hashim Rahimi and Others |
Publish Year | 2006 |
Publisher | Aryana Kutub Khana, Peshawar |
Language | Pashto and English |
Genre | Dictionary |
Download | Link1 |
Review: Pashto to English Dictionary
This is a dictionary of Pashto to english and it is best for learning both pashto and english. pashto language has its own history, it is best for students as well as general readers for expanding their english vocabulary. it is produced by the languages and art institute and is very best for offline usage.English To Pashto Dictionary Pdf
we've made it freely available for download .This dictionary contains nearly six hundred pages encompassing a vast collection of words and nouns.
English To Pashto Dictionary Pdf
we've made it freely available for download .This dictionary contains nearly six hundred pages encompassing a vast collection of words and nouns.
Welcome to the English-Pashto dictionary. Please write word or phrase you want to check in the text box on the left.
Glosbe is home for thousands of dictionaries. We provide not only dictionary English-Pashto, but dictionaries for every existing pairs of languages - online and free. Go to our home page to choose from available languages.
Translation Memory
Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can check not only translations into language English or Pashto: we also provide examples of usage, by showing dozens of examples of translated sentences containing translated phrase. This is called 'translation memory' and is very useful for translators. One can see not only translation of the word, but also how it behaves in the sentence. Our Translation Memory come mostly from parallel corpuses that were made by humans. Such translated sentences are very useful addition to dictionaries.
Currently we have 9,394 phrases translated. Currently we have 1,508 sentences translated
Help us in creating the largest English-Pashto dictionary online. Simply log in and add new translation. Glosbe is a collaborative project and every one can add (and remove) translations. It makes our dictionary English Pashto real, as it is created by native speakers people, that uses language for every day. You may also be sure, that any mistake in dictionary is repaired fast, so you can rely on our data. If you find any mistake or you are able add new data: please do it. Thousands of people will be grateful for doing so.
English To Pashto
You should know, that Glosbe does not store word but rather the idea of what the word means. Thanks to this, by adding one new translation, dozens of new translations are created! Help us develope Glosbe dictionaries and see how yours knowledge helps people around the globe.